To say we're farmers...that's stretching it...a lot. My husband and I grew up in the midst of the city. Sidewalk hiking and hot summers quenched by the ice cream trucks bringing us tasty treats. When my husband and I married, over 20 years ago, we followed the we aimed higher for a bigger home and better paying jobs. The things we had dreamt for, had become our reality.
Four years ago my hubby and I were in a large lovely home, within an HOA (that meticulously maintained the neighborhood...and therefor limited our creative freedom). We had five children that wanted kids! Our kiddos were desiring to play in the mud, build a dam, have a trampoline, playhouse, pool, garden, chickens, and a pony! None of which we could achieve in our current setting.
One day Joseph and I sat down and had a chat with each other and agreed, "our dream has changed." We no longer wanted the biggest, the newest (I've actually always loved shopping at the Goodwill, so new really hasn't been an issue with me...but you catch my drift), and the most stylish belongings. (Pottery Barn sest the bar for me.) But all that was about to change...
To the dismay of our family and friends that didn't understand why we were doing this, we placed a For Sale by Owner sign outside in our pristinely manicured front lawn.
We listed our home and before two weeks was up, we sold the house!
Onto our next adventure. We knew we wanted more than the quarter acre in a subdivision and no HOA. Other than that, we were open to ideas!
Upon scouring the internet which also includes Craigslist, I found an old 1955 stone farm house that sat on one whole acre with a huge metal building...for sale! It's location was oddly amazing. Only one mile to our Main Street, downtown. These homes were originally occupied by farmers with cattle, meat chickens, pigs, and huge gardens. How do I know? Well, most of the original owners (who were just young children at the time) still occupy their homes...and they've told me amazing stories of how things used to be.
This home was a gem. We recognized that quickly and purchased it right away. We now affectionately call it our, Stone Cottage.
With the sell of our large home, we were able to hit the ground running on our Stone Cottage and make some major modifications. Enclosed the one car garage to create our master bedroom and small (but much needed) master bathroom. this home has given us some many many trials...aka: broken septic tank...but it has also blessed us with an abundance of amazing memories. Right away we purchased a trampoline and chickens. Oh the chickens. Never before had I ever thought about the complexity of the nuggets I'd eat. But here I am. Feeding these birds. Watching them hunt, peck, scratch at the ground, and show true emotion. Mainly hunger...but hey...had I ever thought of that before? No.
We started with three chicks. Just three. Our sweet Coco loved to follow us around. She adored being wherever we were. Hence, the chicken in the washing machine. She stood at my back door balking and cackling. When I finally opened the back door she just waltzed right in (as if to say, "What took you so long?"). As I stood there and watched, she made herself comfortable in my washing machine and proceeded to lay an egg!
We no longer have our funny Coco. This is one of the many lessons we've learned transitioning to a life with farm animals.
James 4:14 New Life Version (NLV)
14 You do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? It is like fog. You see it and soon it is gone.
My hubby and I are absolutely overjoyed that we made the transition from big house to farm house. We have today with our kiddos. Tomorrow they'll be grown and gone.
Everyone needs a bit of coco in their life! :)
